A good care plan can reduce number of mental illness: Study

Nov 04, 2019

New Delhi, Nov 05 (ANI): In a recent study it was found that the percentage of patients with serious mental illnesses ending up in hospital can be reduced by 40 per cent if they have a care plan. The study was published in the journal 'Health Services Research'. The study, which tracked 20,000 patients with a severe mental illness through the healthcare system, also found that seeing the same GP reduced the risk of unplanned hospital admission by around 25 per cent. The findings of the research revealed the importance of continuity of care at the GP's for improving health outcomes for patients with a severe mental illness, the authors of the study said. Severe mental illnesses affect between one and two per cent of the population and include conditions like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. People with severe mental illness often experience several other physical health problems. Their life expectancy is around 20 years shorter than the general population.