Nissei provides attractive sweets to tourists in Kawagoe

Oct 08, 2022

Kawagoe, Japan (ANI), Oct 08, 2022: An old-fashioned landscape called “Small EDO” has been attracting many tourists at Kawagoe in Saitama Prefecture. Kawagoe City used to be known for producing sweet potato where IMO-KOI, a sweet potato cake made by the Japanese confectionery shop UMON, is a famous confectionery combined with bean jam.UMON sells special soft cream “KOI Soft” only at Toki no Kane store with know-how to make sweet potato cake. The Japanese word “KOI” means love. Cute-shaped soft cream is popular among young women. Purple cream is made of purple sweet potato and a heart-shaped wafer is placed on top. This soft cream with rich flavor of purple sweet potato is developed with soft cream maker “Nissei.” The development of rich taste, not too sweet cream has been commercialized after many trials. The rich taste and cute shape are posted on social media, and most of customers enjoy taking picture with soft cream. The heart-shaped wafer can be used instead of spoon to soft cream. The Japanese tourism industry hopes the standard for accepting foreign tourists will be relaxed. Eating “KOI soft” while walking along the street with the historical atmosphere of Japan will satisfy foreign tourists.