Research: Women with anoia likely to have underweight babies

Jul 10, 2022

New Delhi, July 10 (ANI): A recent study found that pregnant women with the eating condition anorexia nervosa are five times more likely to give birth to babies who are underweight. The 38th Annual Meeting of ESHRE results also demonstrates a significantly elevated risk (298%) of premature birth and a more than doubled likelihood (341%) of placental abruption. This is contrasted with mothers who do not have anorexia, which is frequently a persistent mental illness. The analysis's specifics will be described by Ido Feferkorn, MD of McGill University in Montreal, Canada. This severe psychiatric illness, marked by hunger and malnutrition, was based on data from more than 9 million women, both with and without anorexia. When compared to the results for the offspring of women with a healthy weight, Dr. Feferkorn highlighted the findings on the incidence of small-for-gestational-age neonates in particular as "shockingly greater."